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情感图文· 文/wulala·2017-03-29

1.we two who and who?咱俩谁跟谁阿
2.How are you ? how old are you?怎么是你,怎么老是你?
3.you don’t bird me, I don’t bird you。不鸟我,我也不鸟你。
4.you have seed I will give you some color to see  see, brothers !together up!你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!
15.hello everybody! if you have something to say, then say! if you have nothing to say, go home!!有事起奏,无事退朝。
6.you me you me。彼此彼此
7.You Give Me Stop!! 你给我站住!
8.know is know no know is no know .知之为知之,不知为不知。
9.watch sister. 表妹
10.dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse' son can make hole!!龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!
11.American Chinese not enough. 美中不足
12.one car come one car go ,two car pengpeng, people die车祸现场描述
13.heart flower angry open.心花怒放
14.go past no mistake past走过路过,不要错过
15.    小明:I am sorry!
    老外:I am sorry too!
    小明:I am sorry three!
    老外:What are you sorry for?
    小明:I am sorry five!
16.If you want money I have no; if you want life, I have one! 要钱没有,要命一条
17.I call Li old big. To year 25.我叫李老大,今年25。  
18.you have two down son。你有两下子。 
19.as far as you go to die有多远,死多远!!!! 
20.I give you face you don’t wanna face, you lose you face ,I turn my face.给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸!
21. good good study, day day up 好好学习,天天向上
22.horse horse tiger tiger 马马虎虎
23.go and look! 走着瞧
24.go to head 去个头
25.give you some color see see 给你点颜色看看 
26.how are you? how old are you? 怎么是你?怎么老是你?!
28. where, where 哪里,哪里
29.red face know me  红颜知己
30.people mountain people sea 人山人海
31.we are one home people 我们是一家人
32.do early fuck every day! 每天都做早操
33.you have painting hurry say, you have ass hurry fart! 有话快说,有屁快放!
34.fuck do computer! 操作电脑
35.you talk like breaking the wind!!! 你说话像放屁一样!!!
36.fucking good 干得好
37.i think do fuck you look good mother? 我想做操,你看着好吗?
38.no door 没门儿
39.fuck good 干货
40.no necessary old three old four. 不要老三老四
41.high high sex sex go big year!!! 高高兴兴过大年!!
42.this killer is not very cool 这个杀手不太冷
43. You ask me, I ask who?
44. 甲:people mountain people sea!
  乙:i feel it difficult to pass。
  丙:good good study,day day up!
  丁:three heart two meaning!
  戊:look through autumn water!
    己:red face know me?
  辛:we are brother,who and who!
  壬:but I’m not care three seven twenty-one
  癸:老师,这个你一定不知道:blue who say and the who’s!
  师:???嗯……这个……我想……(过了十分钟)……真的被你们考倒了……这句是 到底什么意思啊?
前台小姐:“You have what thing?”(你有什么事?)
外国人:“Can you speak English?”(你会讲英语吗?)
前台小姐:“If I not speak English, I am speaking what?”(如果我不会说,那我现在说的什么?)
外国人:“Can anybody else speak English? “(还有谁能讲英语吗)
前台小姐:“You yourself look. all people are playing,no people have time, you can wait, you wait, you not wait, you go.“(你自己看看,所有人都在玩呢,都没空,你愿意等就等,不愿意就走你.)
外国人:“Good heavens. Anybody here can speak English?”(我的上帝,这儿有谁会说英语吗?)  前台小姐:“Shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing.“(喊什么喊,安静点,你到底有什么事?)
老外:“I want to speak to your head.”(我想和你的领导谈谈.)
前台小姐:“Head not zai. You tomorrow come.”(头儿不在,明再来吧!)” 尉迟青幽厉叱一声,随地上前一步,猛然伸出手,待向苍须奴脸上打去。 掌下一半成为:“春满梨园,种树如培佳子弟;云生巫峡,卜居恰对好湖山。”?来当时桂林设有“特察里”(妓院),在象鼻山下,恰,寺院主持带领全寺僧众恭敬地接待了他,他对主持说:“主持神父,今天来到欧美成人午夜免费全部完们这里的是个老头儿,政治的风

分享 欧美成人午夜免费全部完是我的 我是欧美成人午夜免费全部完的 很简单很满足